Network throughput test between 2 AIX servers
easiest way to test throughput between 2 AIX servers is to do a FTP
test, generating data transfer with ‘dd’ command. This will provide the
throughput/speed for the specified amount of data transfer:
#src-system> ftp dst-system
ftp> put "|dd if=/dev/zero bs=32k count=10000" /dev/null
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening data connection for /dev/null.
10000+0 records in
10000+0 records out
226 Transfer complete.
327680000 bytes sent in 1.406 seconds (2.277e+05 Kbytes/s)
local: |dd if=/dev/zero bs=32k count=10000 remote: /dev/null
This is the same test IBM recommends in the redbook and also during a support call
#src-system> ftp dst-system
ftp> put "|dd if=/dev/zero bs=32k count=10000" /dev/null
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening data connection for /dev/null.
10000+0 records in
10000+0 records out
226 Transfer complete.
327680000 bytes sent in 1.406 seconds (2.277e+05 Kbytes/s)
local: |dd if=/dev/zero bs=32k count=10000 remote: /dev/null
This is the same test IBM recommends in the redbook and also during a support call